
ABI-1 xRay

My Brain...  ( Paul-Robert Hipkiss )  An X-ray taken at the Civic Hospital, Ottawa.  Sometime after my Car Crash  ( GO 2014-286487 ) on Octo...


Head-to-Toe? / Nah!
Toe-to-Head / Yah!
18:00, 29-10-2014 
Everything about that hour turned my life completely upside down.  
A body that has become a walking pretzel. Realistically. Yes. A walking pretzel that always has the bad habit of falling apart while in motion: standing, walking, bending, twisting, & siting - upward, downward, forward, & backward. Was sideways mentioned? Try it. Get into a Car Crash. And then, start moving. Try it. But, before that, things that will be needed may include morphine, anti-inflammatories, plus cans of Tylenol. Good luck!
All I know is that I've been in pain every day since the Crash. in search of stuff
...of the physical.
Even my big-toe on my right. 
I think I took this picture shortly after the Crash. Actually, I can't remember when I took it - shortly after the Crash. Anywho... I think I took it in 2015. But, there it is. That's what happened as well. The nail started pealing off, and then it had to be taken off manually at Somerset-West. The biggest problem other than the pain is that, the nail developed a different form so as to obstruct its natural growth prior to clipping - an ingrown to the right of sorts. The other major issue is my spine, somewhat unrelated yet seriously impacting. I have to this day a very, very hard time cutting my toe-nails. I can only bend over for short periods of time. Usually, it takes me about an hour and a half to two hours, depending on the pain and my energy level. I do have to shower prior so my nails can soften before I attempt to cut them. And that in itself takes a lot of energy - an hour or two depending. I know, eh? Just to cut my nails. But, I have to cut them. My chiro & physio need access to my foot. Mum & Dad taught me to be clean for health practitioners. Just another struggle, I guess. 
My FootMy abductor took flight alright.  That's for sure.
Now the abductor damaged my cuboid.
My cuboid ended up getting dislocated.
It got swollen.
All because of my dislocated sacrum.
Up or down?  Next floor...

Then, from the toe to the foot, now the knee.
It's like, Superman must've had a hell of a time.
My kneecap went right on me for some reason.
Perhaps during flight after the bumper hit me from behind.
Who knows?
I don't know.  Do you?
Or, maybe it happened when I landed on the ground after being catapulted to the sky.  "Look mummy, I can fly."  On the other hand,...
PelvisReporting Period
29-10-2014 CE to 19-01-2016 CE 
Attending Physician
M. Yeung 
El-Khodary + Mohamed 
“narrowing of L5-S1” 
“lumbar right-side scoliosis” 
I had to read this myself.
No medical doctor ever told me.
You'd think, eh?
"Hipkiss, you need to sit straight."
"You have scoliosis, you know."
Not even Shawn Marshall from the Rehabilitation Centre.
What kind of doctor is he?
3 months at hospital and no-one told me.
My hip ended up getting dislocated.
I ended up with a big bulge on my right psoas.
T-12 & L-1
How can I cross the road when there's no Junction?
SpermBlood in my semen.
Luckily I found out.
My psoas linked itself to my testicle.
Not a comfortable position.
Not to say the least...
Time to sit in the shade.  Ischium...
ElbowI guess I had to land somewhere.
Why not on my elbow, eh?
Reporting Period
29-10-2014 CE ~ 19-01-2016 CE 
Attending Physician
J. Leppard 
Adnan Mohammad 
swelling overlying shoulder joint.”
My Xiphoid got pulled upward because my sternum had dislocated to the right.
Oxygen ChamberVery good therapy.
It seemed like my muscles got loosened.
Oxygen Is Love.
I couldn't get enough of it.
I ended up developing claustrophobia though.
The hospital had a better set of chambers - bigger - but I wasn't allowed to be placed on the waiting list with my OHIP card.
Professionals kept on telling that it was because there was an Insurer.
2-Tier-2 Medical System
So, I kept on walking.
The truly only way to get better.
If you can move, walk! 
A Case of Tinnitus
A constant sound in the ear.
But, it's not in the ear.
It's in the head.
The brain is all messed up.
The body is all messed up.
The shoulder is all messed up.
The spine is all messed up.
The chest is all messed up.
The hip is all messed up.
The pelvis is all messed up.
The foot is all messed up.
The toe is all messed up.
No wonder the sounds in my brain are all messed up.
My nerves have been shot.
You're plucking too hard!!!
You're plucking...
Too hard!!!
So many years later - 7SEVEN7 - and still TD couldn't help me.
I must be a vagrant according to they.
Mīnę76.1 kg 
76.1 kg
I lost approximately 25 kg.  I went from XL (extra-large) to L (large) to M (medium).  I am now a medium build.  I hope I don't get to S (small).
ABI-1 x-Ray
"OFF with the HEAD"
please go to...