
ABI-1 xRay

My Brain...  ( Paul-Robert Hipkiss )  An X-ray taken at the Civic Hospital, Ottawa.  Sometime after my Car Crash  ( GO 2014-286487 ) on Octo...


 Not My Empire 
 Dr Paul Duhamel
 Pro Physio and Sports Medicine Centre
 1081 Carling Avenue, Suite 100, Ottawa, ON K1Y 4G2
 Appointment: (by McCague Borlack LLP)
 09:30, 18-01-2021 CE
 Citation by Justice A. Doyle, Superior Court of Justice - Ontario
Dr Sujay Patel
Pro Physio and Sports Medicine Centre
1081 Carling Avenue, Suite 100, Ottawa, ON K1Y 4G2
Appointment: (by McCague Borlack LLP)
15:30, 28-01-2021 CE
Citation by Justice A. Doyle, Superior Court of Justice - Ontario
I didn't even get driven 4.5 km up Carling Street Hill in -18 Degrees Celsius.  I had to walk with scoliosis.  Lawyer Joseph Griffiths stalked me by following me and photographing me.  I told another lawyer, Mikolaj Grodzki, about the crime.  I even told the Metropolitan Toronto Police.  Nothing was done, or at least no-one had told me.  Thank you for the evidence.  Criminals.  I couldn't even get help with a spinal adjustment from a neurologist.  Nor, did a psychologist wish to learn what had happened to me since the Car Crash.  One sided!  Claw the Insurer's money.  Sing a song.  Dance the chant.  Welcome to Canada.

Court File Number: #16-69137
Superior Court of Justice
Paul-Robert Hipkiss (Plaintiff)
Gaetan & Marc Comeau (Defendants)
Paul-Robert Hipkiss
(Events of a Criminal Automobile Insurance Industry)

I, Paul-Robert Hipkiss, am the Plaintiff in this Court Proceeding and as such have knowledge of the matters contained in this Affidavit, except where the same are stated to be made upon information and belief, and where so that I verily believe the same to be true to the best of my recollection, so help me God.
            Before you read this affidavit, you must ask yourself this following question: "What man doesn't sign a Settlement?"  Then pause and think seriously of your answer.  Now, please read this affidavit.
1.         A Car Crash at 18:30, October 29th, 2014 changed my life.  Automobile Insurers, lawyers, mediators, judges, and adjusters - all within 7 Years destroyed my life forever.
2.         Since and including October 29th, 2014, I have had to associate with the following lawyers of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice: Dawn Baglole, McCague-Borlack, Alison Campbell, Danielle Dworsky, Charles Genest, Virve Georgeson, Joseph Griffiths, Auger-Hollingsworth, Mikolaj Grodzki, Lisa Langevin, Patricia Lawson, Todd McCarthy, Kevin Temple, and Michael Thiele.  (12 Lawyers)
d3.       Since and including October 29th, 2014, I have had to associate with the following Honourable Justices of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice: Robert Beaudoin, Adriana Doyle, Stanley Kershman, Giovanna Toscano-Roccamo, and Heather Williams.  (5 Judges)
4.         Since and including October 29th, 2014, I have had to associate with the following Insurers: Meloche Monnex Financial Services, Primmum Insurance Company, Security National Insurance Company, TD General Insurance Company, TD Home and Auto Insurance Company, and TD Meloche Monnex Group.  (3 Insurers)
5.         Since and including October 29th, 2014, I have had to associate with the following Associate Adjusters and Claims Specialists: Denise Fenlon, Ramona Kerr, Shaikh Masum, Wayne Nunes, Cherivic Paculaba, Lynn Parker, Chris Potoczek, Delia Ravindran, Anastasia Simos, Nancy Stobbs, and Meagan Whittaker.  (11 Adjuster-Specialists)
6.         How can a victim receive proper, positive rehabilitation when placed constantly in adversarial conflicts for seven years, legal or otherwise, concerning financial support for health, safety, and rehabilitation?

226.     I hope the Police Services will investigate.  Thank you in advance.
227.     Your enemy's enemy is your friend.  I must Appeal to TD Insurance & the Law Society.
SWORN in the City of Ottawa, in the Province of Ontario, this 17 day of May 2021 CE

Paul-Robert Hipkiss