
ABI-1 xRay

My Brain...  ( Paul-Robert Hipkiss )  An X-ray taken at the Civic Hospital, Ottawa.  Sometime after my Car Crash  ( GO 2014-286487 ) on Octo...

ABI-1 [Kânøbï]


The real MoTiVE behind Hipkissology revealed.

"Paul-Robert" used to love writing.

Click on the helicopter for a flight.

Peace Be with You.


The New Me!
May the future bring you life a-new with every passing day.

I fight for children.
I fight for their Equality.

I lost my children.
They are men now.

            Love!  Pierce hearts, minds, and souls.  No matter how hard the attempt to make you fall may be, stand up for another day's sunlight - life of breath and water.  Go forth and never fear the lion's den for love's sake.  The greatest thing in life always shall be love - embrace it.  Please do not deny love.  Love shall never deny you its gift of life.  Love!


Let's love the child.

Let's stop the neglect of the child.

Let's create "The Right of Child Act."


            A child has the right of law.  A child has the right not to be mislead, misguided, or mistreated.  A child has the right not to be harassed.  A child has the right not to be violently attacked.  A child has the right to father and mother.  A child has the right to kin.  A child has the right to ancestry and biological origin.  A child has the right to safe social gatherings.  A child has the right to love and be loved.  A child has the right to life, liberty, and security.  A child has the right to the basic necessities of life.  A child has the right to a home.  A child has the right to health, education, and the pursuit to happiness.  A child has the right to be free.

    Love costs nothing yet priceless when received.

    The regret is mine, for I believe in justice.

    I wish you peace and prosperity.

    Yours truly,

    Paul-Robert Hipkiss


Some Truth, Aye!

I tried to load my Tired Donkey with produce from the family farm off the plateau of Madaurus.  My 3 boys were very hungry.  But, the garth that I thought was constructed by an honest leather smith from the village with of course a license of reputable honour kept on separating until it eventually snapped.  My produce fell to the ground.  The food ended in spoil and then eaten by vultures.  My boys starved that night.  I must now reach Gluteus Maximus and demand that he locates this despicable leather smith and teach him a lesson of Roman Law and the Justinian Code.  "Off to the Colosseum as a gladiator slave!" I do say myself.


(x + 3) (x - 3) = x2 - 9


TD always wished to be Apuleius' Golden Ass.  In other words, insurers, adjusters, and lawyers metamorphosed my health care and rehabilitation as a result of a Car Crash at Barrhaven, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada into a journey of criminal harassment, extortion, misleading of justice, malfeasance, and unprofessional conduct.  Not one person went to jail.  Welcome to Canada.




Of Acceptance

Why did the Insurers treat me like a barren man?
Why did the Insurers treat me like a vagabond?
Why did the Insurers treat me like a loser?
Why did the Insurers treat me like a single man?

TD never accepted to rehabilitate my music talents.
TD never accepted me as a teacher of English.
TD never accepted me as a teacher of writing.
TD never accepted Paul-Robert Hipkiss.

Rehabilitation is to do things you used to do, TD.
Why must I trust such dereliction of duty?  Not!
My Tired Donkey couldn't even help me with my produce!
My 3-Boys went hungry, TD!

So-called medical professionals, many in their own right yet few, had told me that I had to one day go over a tumultuous bridge of ACCEPTANCE.
Say what?
I had to come to terms with my countless losses.  I had to accept my loss.  I understand.
It would be my only way forward.  Hard, but true.
Not so fast there lad.
Put some brakes on that thingy.

TD must accept its loss first, then I.
Now, Tired Donkey has a broken hoof.  Darn!


The Night Guard

Hallowe'en and His Eve

    @ Sow-Win, October 31st to November 1st, welcomes the harvest and then ushers in "the dark half of the year."

    I remember having to be with my youngest boy on Hallowe'en Night of 2013 in private only and not together.  I had to camouflage myself just so I could watch him "trick-or-treat" like we used to do every Hallowe'en.  I had to do so in secret of the Children's Aide Society and the mother despite the fact that my boy knew.  We always went out for candy.  To deny a person's Fundamental Freedom of Association is one thing.  To deny the same freedom to a child now becomes a crime.  No lawyer went to jail.  No case worker went to jail.  No-one went to jail.
Fundamental Human Right to Association 
I kept on telling unprofessionals... 
No-one can tell me I cannot see my boys. 
No man has the right to tell another man whom he must associate with or not. 
Sorry?  Never! 
Not on this planet... 
Straightly frank, to the point... 
I loved my boys. 


Happy Birthday!
18:30, 29-10-2014 CE
The Ottawa Civic Hospital, Ottawa, Ontario, the Dominion of Canada, the Americas, Earth, Universe.
Car Crash
New Birthday


My Real(1)One
My Registered(1)One
Lots of R&Rs...


 Not My Empire 
 Dr Paul Duhamel
 Pro Physio and Sports Medicine Centre
 1081 Carling Avenue, Suite 100, Ottawa, ON K1Y 4G2
 Appointment: (by McCague Borlack LLP)
 09:30, 18-01-2021 CE
 Citation by Justice A. Doyle, Superior Court of Justice - Ontario
Dr Sujay Patel
Pro Physio and Sports Medicine Centre
1081 Carling Avenue, Suite 100, Ottawa, ON K1Y 4G2
Appointment: (by McCague Borlack LLP)
15:30, 28-01-2021 CE
Citation by Justice A. Doyle, Superior Court of Justice - Ontario
I didn't even get driven 4.5 km up Carling Street Hill in -18 Degrees Celsius.  I had to walk with scoliosis.  Lawyer Joseph Griffiths stalked me by following me and photographing me.  I told another lawyer, Mikolaj Grodzki, about the crime.  I even told the Metropolitan Toronto Police.  Nothing was done, or at least no-one had told me.  Thank you for the evidence.  Criminals.  I couldn't even get help with a spinal adjustment from a neurologist.  Nor, did a psychologist wish to learn what had happened to me since the Car Crash.  One sided!  Claw the Insurer's money.  Sing a song.  Dance the chant.  Welcome to Canada.

Court File Number: #16-69137
Superior Court of Justice
Paul-Robert Hipkiss (Plaintiff)
Gaetan & Marc Comeau (Defendants)
Paul-Robert Hipkiss
(Events of a Criminal Automobile Insurance Industry)

I, Paul-Robert Hipkiss, am the Plaintiff in this Court Proceeding and as such have knowledge of the matters contained in this Affidavit, except where the same are stated to be made upon information and belief, and where so that I verily believe the same to be true to the best of my recollection, so help me God.
            Before you read this affidavit, you must ask yourself this following question: "What man doesn't sign a Settlement?"  Then pause and think seriously of your answer.  Now, please read this affidavit.
1.         A Car Crash at 18:30, October 29th, 2014 changed my life.  Automobile Insurers, lawyers, mediators, judges, and adjusters - all within 7 Years destroyed my life forever.
2.         Since and including October 29th, 2014, I have had to associate with the following lawyers of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice: Dawn Baglole, McCague-Borlack, Alison Campbell, Danielle Dworsky, Charles Genest, Virve Georgeson, Joseph Griffiths, Auger-Hollingsworth, Mikolaj Grodzki, Lisa Langevin, Patricia Lawson, Todd McCarthy, Kevin Temple, and Michael Thiele.  (12 Lawyers)
d3.       Since and including October 29th, 2014, I have had to associate with the following Honourable Justices of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice: Robert Beaudoin, Adriana Doyle, Stanley Kershman, Giovanna Toscano-Roccamo, and Heather Williams.  (5 Judges)
4.         Since and including October 29th, 2014, I have had to associate with the following Insurers: Meloche Monnex Financial Services, Primmum Insurance Company, Security National Insurance Company, TD General Insurance Company, TD Home and Auto Insurance Company, and TD Meloche Monnex Group.  (3 Insurers)
5.         Since and including October 29th, 2014, I have had to associate with the following Associate Adjusters and Claims Specialists: Denise Fenlon, Ramona Kerr, Shaikh Masum, Wayne Nunes, Cherivic Paculaba, Lynn Parker, Chris Potoczek, Delia Ravindran, Anastasia Simos, Nancy Stobbs, and Meagan Whittaker.  (11 Adjuster-Specialists)
6.         How can a victim receive proper, positive rehabilitation when placed constantly in adversarial conflicts for seven years, legal or otherwise, concerning financial support for health, safety, and rehabilitation?

226.     I hope the Police Services will investigate.  Thank you in advance.
227.     Your enemy's enemy is your friend.  I must Appeal to TD Insurance & the Law Society.
SWORN in the City of Ottawa, in the Province of Ontario, this 17 day of May 2021 CE

Paul-Robert Hipkiss


Zero Degrees of Fade 
Yes, much to do. 

In Canada, "side-walks" are actually "drive-walks."

Never mind the fact that sidewalks are too small and narrow, they are so bumpy and filled with holes at unlevelled driveways - not good with Vertigo. 
Traditional driveways take precedence because they are always built with the car in mind and not the pedestrian; sidewalks must be levelled for pedestrians and not bevelled for the underbelly of a vehicle.
No wonder why so many pedestrians walk on streets and not on sidewalks.
No wonder why women walk their baby strollers on streets and not on sidewalks.
No wonder why the disabled ride their scooters on streets and not on sidewalks.

Sidewalks in Canada are not built for pedestrians.  They are built for cars.


Head-to-Toe? / Nah!
Toe-to-Head / Yah!
18:00, 29-10-2014 
Everything about that hour turned my life completely upside down.  
A body that has become a walking pretzel. Realistically. Yes. A walking pretzel that always has the bad habit of falling apart while in motion: standing, walking, bending, twisting, & siting - upward, downward, forward, & backward. Was sideways mentioned? Try it. Get into a Car Crash. And then, start moving. Try it. But, before that, things that will be needed may include morphine, anti-inflammatories, plus cans of Tylenol. Good luck!
All I know is that I've been in pain every day since the Crash. in search of stuff
...of the physical.
Even my big-toe on my right. 
I think I took this picture shortly after the Crash. Actually, I can't remember when I took it - shortly after the Crash. Anywho... I think I took it in 2015. But, there it is. That's what happened as well. The nail started pealing off, and then it had to be taken off manually at Somerset-West. The biggest problem other than the pain is that, the nail developed a different form so as to obstruct its natural growth prior to clipping - an ingrown to the right of sorts. The other major issue is my spine, somewhat unrelated yet seriously impacting. I have to this day a very, very hard time cutting my toe-nails. I can only bend over for short periods of time. Usually, it takes me about an hour and a half to two hours, depending on the pain and my energy level. I do have to shower prior so my nails can soften before I attempt to cut them. And that in itself takes a lot of energy - an hour or two depending. I know, eh? Just to cut my nails. But, I have to cut them. My chiro & physio need access to my foot. Mum & Dad taught me to be clean for health practitioners. Just another struggle, I guess. 
My FootMy abductor took flight alright.  That's for sure.
Now the abductor damaged my cuboid.
My cuboid ended up getting dislocated.
It got swollen.
All because of my dislocated sacrum.
Up or down?  Next floor...

Then, from the toe to the foot, now the knee.
It's like, Superman must've had a hell of a time.
My kneecap went right on me for some reason.
Perhaps during flight after the bumper hit me from behind.
Who knows?
I don't know.  Do you?
Or, maybe it happened when I landed on the ground after being catapulted to the sky.  "Look mummy, I can fly."  On the other hand,...
PelvisReporting Period
29-10-2014 CE to 19-01-2016 CE 
Attending Physician
M. Yeung 
El-Khodary + Mohamed 
“narrowing of L5-S1” 
“lumbar right-side scoliosis” 
I had to read this myself.
No medical doctor ever told me.
You'd think, eh?
"Hipkiss, you need to sit straight."
"You have scoliosis, you know."
Not even Shawn Marshall from the Rehabilitation Centre.
What kind of doctor is he?
3 months at hospital and no-one told me.
My hip ended up getting dislocated.
I ended up with a big bulge on my right psoas.
T-12 & L-1
How can I cross the road when there's no Junction?
SpermBlood in my semen.
Luckily I found out.
My psoas linked itself to my testicle.
Not a comfortable position.
Not to say the least...
Time to sit in the shade.  Ischium...
ElbowI guess I had to land somewhere.
Why not on my elbow, eh?
Reporting Period
29-10-2014 CE ~ 19-01-2016 CE 
Attending Physician
J. Leppard 
Adnan Mohammad 
swelling overlying shoulder joint.”
My Xiphoid got pulled upward because my sternum had dislocated to the right.
Oxygen ChamberVery good therapy.
It seemed like my muscles got loosened.
Oxygen Is Love.
I couldn't get enough of it.
I ended up developing claustrophobia though.
The hospital had a better set of chambers - bigger - but I wasn't allowed to be placed on the waiting list with my OHIP card.
Professionals kept on telling that it was because there was an Insurer.
2-Tier-2 Medical System
So, I kept on walking.
The truly only way to get better.
If you can move, walk! 
A Case of Tinnitus
A constant sound in the ear.
But, it's not in the ear.
It's in the head.
The brain is all messed up.
The body is all messed up.
The shoulder is all messed up.
The spine is all messed up.
The chest is all messed up.
The hip is all messed up.
The pelvis is all messed up.
The foot is all messed up.
The toe is all messed up.
No wonder the sounds in my brain are all messed up.
My nerves have been shot.
You're plucking too hard!!!
You're plucking...
Too hard!!!
So many years later - 7SEVEN7 - and still TD couldn't help me.
I must be a vagrant according to they.
Mīnę76.1 kg 
76.1 kg
I lost approximately 25 kg.  I went from XL (extra-large) to L (large) to M (medium).  I am now a medium build.  I hope I don't get to S (small).
ABI-1 x-Ray
"OFF with the HEAD"
please go to...


Mecca & I
Happy Ramadan

Fri, Apr 24, 2020
Me @ Mecca...
I followed Buddhism in my life while living in the Orient.
I was baptised at a catholic church when I was just an infant.
I adopted Jewish traditions through my journeys in Israel.
It was nice reaching out to fellow United followers.
Once puberty hit, I became immersed in Greek Orthodoxy.
My spiritual experiences with the Sweat Lodge was very up-lifting.
Then, some people in the Middle East told me that I couldn't experience another faith, Islam.
You can't say stuff like that to me.
Freedom of Mobility to All Public Spaces
Freedom of Spiritual Experiences
Freedom of Thought
Freedom of Belief
Just something and things that I have lived by all my adult life.  So, I went to Mecca when they told me I couldn't.  Many of my fellow teachers doubted that I could accomplish my mission.  Well, I did...
Yet, I never, ever realised how moving that one experience would be in my life, unlike others.  So many people doing one thing - 'round the Kaaba.  I'm talking 100s of 1,000s of people.  I mean.  I've been to Kap-sa, Temple of Heaven, Temple of Buddha, St. Pete's Square, Chartes, Notre Dame, Walling Wall, Nativity, St. Paul's, & Pandeleimonas - too many places.  Yet, nothing like the Kaaba.
1 Letter
1 Word
Has nothing to give
1 Clause
A person, who has just honour
1 Sentence
Hate has nothing to give a person, who has just honour.


Misandry in Canada 
Flower of Love
Yes. Indeed. Unfortunately. 
“To grasp the plight of men is to understand the suffering of women.”
Hipkiss in Milano
So, I think to the distant past. 
There I might find things in my mind's mind. 
Things there. I may know them. Yah... 
That are a little easier to re-know, or relearn. 
Some forgotten entirely. Others not. 
Important ones that I wish to re-know
Perhaps imagery has a part in relearning. 
Sometimes I remember bizarre things. I forgot now anyhow. 
Yet, I am happy I found you. Yes. You. 
Now I must get me some gelato. 
To re-know you again Milano, I have. 
This I now know. 
You pierced my heart. Thank you.
Despite the horrors & trauma of being kidnapped...
Away from my biological mother... 
Court File Numbers: #FC-12-2738-1
Superior Court of Justice
Paul-Robert Hipkiss
(Events of Extortion, Misandry, and Justice)
I, Paul-Robert Hipkiss, am the Applicant in this Court Proceeding and as such have knowledge of the matters contained in this Affidavit, except where the same are stated to be made upon information and belief, and where so that I verily believe the same to be true to the best of my recollection, so help me God.
1.         March 7th, 1997 CE: In and around Independence Movement Day of the Republic of Korea, I met So Ra at a bookstore near a Lotteria at Nam Po Dong, Bu San Shi.
2.         September 22nd, 1997 CE: My girlfriend obtained an ultrasound of our first child.
3.         October 3rd, 1997 CE:  My girlfriend and I performed an Engagement Celebration at the Banquet Hall of the YMCA, Bu San Shi, The Republic of Korea.
4.         November 28th, 1997 CE: My Fiancée and I swore at the Consular Section of the Canadian Embassy before Consul W. McEachern an Affidavit of Eligibility of Marriage.
5.         December 3rd, 1997 CE: My Fiancée and I married civilly at Yeong Do Gu District Hall, Bu San Shi, the Republic of Korea (Hoju: #1-7***22-21***13).  The witness for Paul-Robert was Jin Kuk Baek.  The witness for So Ra was Nan Joo Lee.

179.     April 15th, 2013 CE: "My Boys Are KIDNAPPED!" I kept on screaming.  (Criminal Code of Canada, Section 280; Constitution Act, 1982 CE?) I later filed a Missing Persons Report #13-94204.  Nobody told me where they were, not even lawyer Campbell, lawyer Dworsky, or case worker Bowerman.  It took me approximately 9 days to find my boys.  I found my boys myself.  Since this date, many police officers had become involved: Sergeant Stokes #5806, Constable Coldwell, Officer Mann #2067, and Sergeant Hayes #1319.  Where were you for the children?  Statistics Canada clearly has indicated in countless reports that such an action of kidnapping or absconding of a child(ren) by another partner and/or another associate(s) is the leading cause of spousal violence, even homicide.   Way to go Alison Campbell, Danielle Dworsky, and Laura Bowerman.  Criminals!
179.     April 15th, 2013 CE: I had to hire Nir's Lock's Incorporated (613-282-5358) to unlock my door at 23 Plunket Court, Nepean.  They charged me $56.50 including taxes just for the receipt.  I thought of calling the Victim/Witness Assistance Programme from the Ministry of the Attorney General, but I somehow thought that would not help.  Family courts are misandrist.
180.     April 16th, 2013 CE: The Registry: The Social Housing Registry of Ottawa approved her status as Special Priority.  The Registry was okay with a father of three children to be placed on the curb?  The father was not placed immediately on Special Priority.  Misandry.
181.     April 17th, 2013 CE: I applied to the Landlord and Tenant Board to consider Nepean Housing Corporation in allowing me to live at 23 Plunket Court, Nepean.
182.     April 20th, 2013 CE: I had to go to the Civic Campus' Emergency Unit of the Ottawa Hospital for a Ventolin Inhaler, for I could not find my old one due to my constant search for my kidnapped, absconded boys.
183.     April 24th, 2013 CE: My oldest boy threatened me when I found my youngest boy and his older brother, "Give [him] back to mum.  I'll fuck u up."  My youngest boys told me where my oldest boy was, too, thereafter.  I just wanted to know if they were all okay.  I knew in my gut that, once they were kidnapped, I would never be their father.  I cried.  No-one volunteered to provide me with information concerning their whereabouts or their health.  I had to find them on my own.  And people kept on telling me that I shouldn't have used the word "kidnap."  "It's not good." CAS et al. used to reiterate to me.  It is exactly what happened: all under 16 years of age.  One never gets back that which was stolen. Campbell, Dworsky, and Bowerman infringed upon the most fundamental human right known to human kind: The Fundamental Human Right to Association.  To Whom are you going to talk?  To a tree?  And, in this case, the right to associate with kin, the most important the Father.  This is the greatest crime against children.  An act without just cause, and there was none.  They thought that they would tap into my heart strings and force me into a settlement during some bargain mediation process.  Not I.  I do not negotiate with criminals.  I learnt that from the US government, thank goodness.
184.     April 24th, 2013 CE: Hearing was held at the Landlord and Tenant Tribunal.  Michael Thiele represented Nepean Housing Corporation.  I had asked Mike Schingh, Director of Property, and Susan Shea, Accounts Receivable Co-ordinator, both of which from Nepean Housing Corporation, for a copy of the lease for 23 Plunkett Court, yet to not avail.  I received in the end a Notice of Trespass to 23 Plunket Court from Nepean Housing Corporation on this day.
185.     April 25th, 2013 CE: Approximately around this time, my oldest boy texted me stating, "I wanna kill myself."  What did you people do?
186.     May 1st, 2013 CE: The Social Housing Registry of Ottawa received my application for subsidy.  I was granted Special Priority as well only after I screamed out loud that they were sexist for not wanting to place me on a Priority List in the first place.  Why did it take me so long but not So Ra.  Thank goodness that Intake Worker, Christine Varley, listened to my cries.  She was one of the few that was the least sexist for at least she was willing to place me immediately on the Special Priority List.  I ended up being privileged to be given a one-bedroom.  Thank you.  I had hoped for at least a two-bedroom seeing that I had many children, yet I had also thought of not being so naïve.  Thanks again.
187.     May 7th, 2013 CE: The City of Ottawa's welfare programme confirmed that I was not receiving a Shelter Benefit.  Christine Langlois was the Verification Specialist.
188.     May 30th, 2013 CE: The City of Ottawa gave me a cheque for $108.71.  
189.     June 2nd, 2013 CE: My youngest boy and I went to the Canada Aviation and Space Museum to see Darth Vader.  No man can tell another man whom he must associate with or not.  We used to go to Kitchissippi Beach often.  I used to walk him to his elementary school.  We always met at the Blue Park.  He followed his heart.  His frontal lob had not been fully developed yet.  He hadn't hit puberty.  He wasn't prone to external illogical influences and lies.  The others on the other hand gave up, too, on all the Children's Aide workers and associated lawyers despite their attempts to influence them that the court matters would be over shortly, thinking that they would negotiate with me.  Not I.  (They lied to the boys for two years.)  The older boys didn't even want to talk to them.  In the end, they were all heroes for standing up against a foe that wanted to disassociate them from their Dadda.  We tried.
190.     June 10th, 2013 CE: I became a new member of Emploi Ontario.  Around this time, Tish Belanger and Dan Whetung of the City of Ottawa's welfare programme ended up helping me enormously.  Dan Whetung even wanted to help me with reinstating my TESL Ontario Certification.  Thank you.
191.     June 18th, 2013 CE: Timothy Minnema of the Superior Court of Justice, Family Branch, Ottawa wrote an Order.
192.     June 18th, 2013 CE: Labour Ready Limited gave me a summary of my employment record.  On average, I made $60.00 for part of the day.
193.     June 20th, 2013 CE: Siobhan Kearns, Manager of Ottawa Public Health granted me a Food Handler Certificate.  Thank you.  More back-up in case I had to stay in Ottawa due to the Superior Court.
194.     July 25th, 2013 CE: James McNamara of the Superior Court of Justice, Ottawa ordered that "I shall execute all documents...."  Was he thinking about some execution of docs before my three boys were kidnapped by Alison Campbell, Danielle Dworsky, Laura Bowerman, and So Ra or after the kidnapping?  Because after the kidnapping, I barely found my tooth brush let alone a doc, there McNamara.  I guess the mother did not tell you that she had changed the lock and that I had to relocate my place of residency, eh?  Was that misleading of justice or was that just an oops?  MISLEADING OF JUSTICE (Criminal Code of Canada, Section 137?)
195.     June 27th, 2013 CE: Lawyer Tom Richard of Legal Aide Ontario sent me a letter of acknowledgement of Change of Lawyer.
196.     July 18th, 2013 CE: Danielle Dworsky, Children's Lawyer, wrote an e-mail to Alison Campbell that stated that my oldest boy had presented them with concerns.  They knew and did nothing.  They had abducted the children.  They were in their care since April 15th, 2013 CE.  I used to be with them like a hawk, making hot-chocolate at out-door-rinks, trying my dumbness to skateboard just so I could keep an eye on my older boys and who they were hanging out with, more importantly.  That and other techniques that I used to use to monitor my boys had been taken away from them.     UNPROFESSIONAL CONDUCT (Criminal Code of Canada, Section 25; Constitution Act, 1982 CE?)
197.     August 7th, 2013 CE: Our oldest boy threatened to kill me via text.  The Parental Alienation had taken its tole.  Where is justice?  Disassociation is the cornerstone of anti-establishment.  Who will be held responsible?
198.     October 17th, 2013 CE: Virve Georgeson faxed Alison Campbell that she was no longer my Barrister.
199.     November 5th, 2013 CE: Giovanna Toscano-Roccamo wrote an Order for I to execute all documents for the Superior Court of Justice, Family Branch.
200.     November 13th, 2013 CE: Legal Aide Ontario sent me a Notice of Intention to Cancel with Virve Georgeson.
201.     December 20th, 2013 CE: The City of Ottawa's welfare programme suspended me.
202.     January 10th, 2014 CE: Robert Smith, the Superior Court of Justice, Family Branch, wrote an Order for supervised visitations.  People are not meant to be in a Fish-Bowl for observation, Smith.  People associate with one another in public and are observed naturally by the public, especially with children like in parks, outdoor rinks, festivals, libraries, malls, or homes with friends and family - not in a bowl.  Never.  Dream, please.
203.     January 15, 2014 CE: So Ra maid a $1,000.00 payment to dentist Len Chumak for our boys braces.
204      June 13th, 2014 CE: So Ra finally realised that her crime of kidnapping and keeping that grip on me was over.  She capitulated by sending me a note that my youngest boy can go with me to a BB-Q.  To deny a child access for so long is in effect a crime: Criminal Harassment against Children.  Other people call it Parental Alienation.  Personally, I called it a crime.  They even tried to get the school not to allow me to pick up my boy.  I used to pick up my boys all the time from school and take them home.  Did anyone say "sorry" to the boys?
205      July 8th, 2014 CE: Family Trial Co-ordinator, Maureen MacGillivray of the Superior Court of Justice sent me a Notice for a Trial Scheduled for Friday, August 29th, 2014 CE to set a Trial Date for October of 2014 CE.
206.     29th of October, 2014 CE: Stanley Kershman of the Superior Court of Justice (FC-12-2738), Ottawa announced his Deliberation of So Ra and Paul-Robert's "Certificate of Divorce."  Kershman had stated in the order that the marriage between my wife and I took place on December 27th, 1997.  Wrong, Kershman.  It was December 3rd, 1997 CE.  And, my name is Paul-Robert, not Paul Robert.  By the way, Kershman, my wife's name is So Ra.  And, I forgot.  I was married to my wife in Bu San Shi, the Republic of Korea that is way beyond your jurisdiction of Ontario, my kind gentleman, Kershman.  Many criticised me then for saying such a thing.  Perhaps now, people can ask how Meng Wanz Hou of Hua Wei felt concerning Canadian legal jurisdictional issues, let alone I.
207.     29th of October, 2014 CE: Stanley Kershman of the Superior Court of Justice (FC-12-2738), Ottawa announced his Deliberation of his Divorce Order that was dated 23-10-2014 CE.  Custody of the boys to my wife.  Order granted access for the children to their father, their Fundamental Human Right to Association restored.  Criminals: Campbell, Dworsky, and Bowerman.  $3.00 per month Child Support payable to the Family Responsibility Office (a.k.a.: The Office of Child Support?) was ordered.  Access to the boys every Tuesday, Thursday, every other weekend, Christmas morns, summer camps, Easter hunts, and other holidays.
NOTHING for 7 (seven) YEARS
Not one attempt for a "Motion to Change" to compel TD Insurance et al. for "Urgent Support" for a Dad of 3 boys, not a Single-Man as TD et al. have done for seven years?
This is how Alison Campbell et al. have treated three children in your community.
My boys are now men with your scares!
208.     February 25th, 2021 CE: My wife gave Authorisation and Direction to lawyer Alison Campbell to communicate with lawyer Mikolaj Grodzki "with respect to the family law issues that relate to [Hipkiss'] settlement claim."  I am assuming right now that So Ra and Alison Campbell were referring to my Car Crash illegal foibles (16-69137).  I am now involved in further negative adversarial conflicts, a.k.a.: Family Court.  All over $3.00?  Nevertheless, please take heed, when you see a man with a hat on the street, do not take the penny in his hat, rather throw him a crown.  Queen Elizabeth II would have taught me this, I am sure had I ever had the privilege of meeting Her.
209.     March 29th, 2021 CE: Alison Campbell and So Ra apply to the Superior Court of Justice for a "Motion to Change."
210.     April 28th, 2021 CE: First Court Date at 09:00 with instructions from the Ministry of the Attorney General's "First Appearance Hearing Information Package" to call 1-866-633-1033 and then enter Passcode: 9191464#.  I guess I must go to a pay-phone at the gate of China Town, or at Preston & Elm Streets, Ottawa.  Oh, my goodness.  I guess both offered dates April 22nd, 2021 CE and April 28th, 2021 CE as offered by Awadia Shailina, Trial Co-ordinator of the Superior Court of Justice, Ottawa is when and what I must do.  I hope I do not get COVID-19.  I hope they postpone everything until Ontario's third wave subsides.  This is not Justice.  It's suicide.  I used to teach my boys that, if one does not wish to catch a virus, one must be selective with whom one sleeps.  Similarly, if one does not wish to catch a coronavirus, one must be selective with whom one associates in public.  The Superior Court of Justice is forcing me to associate with the public in public during a World Pandemic.  They went without me instead.
211.     Where were you, Alison Campbell, all these years?  Your inaction is your complicity.  Your complicity is your guilt.  You never did have the 'best interests of the children."  It's the law.  You never followed the greatest law - the child
SWORN in the City of Ottawa, in the Province of Ontario, this 15 day of March 2021 CE

Paul-Robert Hipkiss