
ABI-1 xRay

My Brain...  ( Paul-Robert Hipkiss )  An X-ray taken at the Civic Hospital, Ottawa.  Sometime after my Car Crash  ( GO 2014-286487 ) on Octo...

My [Kh]aronna (*)

Culture ChangeOh my goodness... 
Panic. Anxiety. Confusion. Overload. 
Isolation. Avoidance. Distancing. 
Me? Am I okay? 
The world over is in panic. "Worldwide Anxiety"  
Is everybody okay? 
Yah? You... 
"Welcome to My ABI-World" 
I think doctors, nurses, lawyers, and judges will understand finally what I have been going through for the past 5 years since my Car Crash. Almost the same... A world's fear over Covid-19? A brain's fear over ABI-1
"I Am a Mirror"
"Imagine My Brain" 
Your Covid-19 
My ABI-World 
 Your COV-World 
Your Missed Events/My Missed Appointments 
Your Cancellations/My Deletions 
Your Wages/My Children   
Your World Has Changed/My Life Lost 
Confusion sets in. I know. Yah, people just don't get it. I mean your identity, your worth. Yes, I know. I live with it everyday. It sets you off in directions your mind never even dreamt, let alone the regret. Terrible thing, it is. 
Information overload is where it's at. Or, a delay occurs in trying to organise the information. Been there. Done that. Even at the corner store in fact. I'm sure. If I remember correctly. Too many occurrences. Kaboom. Yack. Zap. The best thing is to own up and try to make others understand. It's not my fault. Not your fault. That rests with the reckless driver who messed up my brain. It is what it is. 
I have cried more than the Ottawa River, more like many Amazons galore. Suicide definitely becomes an issue. Anger comes next. Lashing out. Always in disgust. Then, tears. More tears. Darn. It seems that the uncertainty is a major factor. Concerts, surgeries, court cases, and even life itself all have some form of conclusion. So, why not Car Crash claims? Why not Covid-19? Why the limbo? It's depressing to no end. Literally. 
Polar - bi or tri? 
For as long as I shall be alive, bears will roam. I think. 
In other words, extreme distant behaviour, polars apart without warning - a must to detect, analyse, and terminate. Yes. In my mind's mind. I know how to read your sexton, my Corona Victim. 
Now, with the c-virus, the world has begun a new search - the West Pole versus the East Pole. Bizarre. 
Normal. Yes. 
I've had to re-navigate ever since the Crash, and continue. Like looking for a new compass. Yah. Okay. Coronna? What? Wow. Fear. Why? Because of death? Panic. Anxiety. I know it all too well. 
I know what isolation is. What alienation is. What distancing is. Avoidance. These things are normal, very normal. 
Adjust - Adapt 
If you breath, please drink water. 
Bless U 
Or, ... 
Hypo or Psycho? 
How about Octo-Polar? 
Fight or Flight! 
Flight is better, much better. 
Maybe that's why I started walking a lot. 
Darn ice though... 
The river... Where? Over there! 
Not... Not.... Not... 
Do you understand? 
Not... Not... Not... 
Did you here me? 
Not... Not... Not... 
There! I said it. 
This Too Shall Pass... Hope! 
Anarchy May Follow. 
The Parasite
"Welcome to My ABI-World" 
My [Kh]aronna (*) Virus 
Now I remember... 
(?) NORMAL (?) 
A War. A Car Crash. A Death. 
Isolation. Parasite. Alienation. 
~ Self-Quarantine/No Problem ~ 
Medical Officer of Health's History Books 
"Cyclospora Cayatenensis Oocysts" 
Parasite from Iraq. EVAC - ASAP - Liability 
@ Home Lock Down - Bowl of Rice per Day 
Straws for Excrement - Both Ways 
Black Unmarked Cars in Surveillance MOH? 
Many Demands, Orders, & Months Later... WoW! 
And Now Brain Injury Now COVID-19 
This is all too familiar. Adaptation, again I must confront.
A doctorate by the name of Joncas. What an understanding gentle man, he was to me.
I did not care. I could not fathom. I was void of logic. Lacking cognizance. He, my witness. 
I knew not to pay my bills. I knew not my care. I knew not my guard. I knew not... Anything. 
Panic. Anxiety. Anger. Fright. Overload. Memory. Security. Health. Responsibility. Loss. The results of many... 
Throw me out. 
Lock the gate. 
Turn your head. 
Look that way. 
Who cares? 
I don't... 
Never mind me...
"Freedom's Nirvana"
 ° Bunker-Tunnel @ Hill ° 
Safely Clean - Way to Be - Light! 
I didn't have one care in the world, not even my own being. I had lost everything because I couldn't understand anything. I didn't even know I had children, never mind My Boot. Who was I? What happened? Donno... 
Yet, little did I know that my anxiety was based on fear. Fear of the unknown and not being able to understand what it is that I must know. What is unknown if I don't know it? Wow! Donno... 
My anxieties push me in wanting to know more. What is the fear? What is it, itself? 
To Conquer it, I must begin by understanding it. Oh my goodness. It just taught me. It in itself is my therapy. Little did I know... Maybe. Donno... 
It Is Fear That Is Feared! 
So, Understand It! 
The Way to Win! 
I could not help but notice a lot of sanitised items laying about Parliament's parking lot. 
Could they have been a discarded sanitizer's sanitised gloves? 
Forgive them, for they know not what they do. 
~A Reaper Metamorphosis~
Just some throw aways... 
Adults playing Hide & Seek... 
Oh, oh... 
Egoism May Kill I. 
Rubbish & Person 
Exercise @ Home 
Bunker Up! 
Clean Up! 
Be Safe! 
Cleanse with passion, my April. 
My Distance
Knip Dyolf 
I love you!
Yes, you! 


Me x Me x Me
ME!!! +
ME!!! +
ME!!! +
- in health
- in rehabilitation
- in freedom
I was a cool teacher.
I was a nifty musician.
I was a loving father.
But that was then...
I am an advocate of ABI.
I am a seeker of music.
I am a loving person.