
ABI-1 xRay

My Brain...  ( Paul-Robert Hipkiss )  An X-ray taken at the Civic Hospital, Ottawa.  Sometime after my Car Crash  ( GO 2014-286487 ) on Octo...


The Pain!
No wonder I've chocked to death so many times since the Car Crash.The only fracture I sustained as a result was my zygoma. 
That a-bomb to my head came with inner-head-shrapnel, you know. 
A toonie-sized hole in my brain, 7+ teeth immediately lost, cervical dislocations, hyoid bone, and my epiglottis... 
Not to mention the countless other problems I have, somehow neither greater nor lesser. 
The teeth I lost have not helped me chew my food properly in order to give my epiglottis an easier time. 
But, TD Insurance et al. think that such sustained injuries are not related to the Car Crash. 
How defunct is that? What about the Necessities of Life in Canada? 
Is this in your Criminal Code in your country? 
Why can't TD or their contractual barristers follow the Law of their country? 
How am I to live with difficulties chewing food and then swallowing it? 
Thanks a lot... 
Fix my entire mouth, TD et al. ! Please... 
It would be nice. Actually it would be human. To eat a some nutritious meal without pain. To eat and swallow with better ease and not life threatening. This would be very nice. 
To enjoy the comfort of family & friends over a dinner in celebration of a birthday. To not worry. To be secure within such an event. To feel okay in that others are not worrying if I'm going to chock to death. 
I miss those days...  
My Letter to TD 
My Letter

TD Insurance 
TD Dental
Toute Ma Bouche 
Fermez le votre 
S'il vous plaît 
How does an adjuster think that the work on my mouth will begin? 
Someone from TD Insurance, all the way down in Yorkyville, Tkaranto? Not Ottawa? 
First a cleaning... 
Then, some x-Rays... 
An assessment will follow... 
Otherwise, how will a dentist know where to begin?