
ABI-1 xRay

My Brain...  ( Paul-Robert Hipkiss )  An X-ray taken at the Civic Hospital, Ottawa.  Sometime after my Car Crash  ( GO 2014-286487 ) on Octo...

Freedom of Speech

English Teacher, Iraq
find it very difficult to understand why I have to fight. 
I have to stand up somehow. 
Gather my thoughts. 
Somehow organise them. 

And then, fight for my freedom in your country, Canada. 

I just don't get that. 

My Freedom of Speech. 

Why do you demand it to be taken away? 

Just so that you can help me. 

Yet, I need your help. 

But, I demand also that you stand with me. 

Not only to protect my Freedom of Speech, but all those others, too, like me with Acquired Brain Injury. 

This Fundamental Human Right is very important and very dear to me. 

Words do matter

Words do matter

I've taught thousands of them to thousands of pupils. 

Words do matter


Pushing the EnvelopeNo matter where I have been. 

I sometimes have expressed my thoughts to a point of fault perhaps. 

I am guilty. 

With my actions plus my words, I might just be able to affect some change. 

Words do matter

Now I remember. 

I was teaching English in Saudi Arabia. 

I brought a flag from my homeland. 

The ambassadorial thing to do. 

I asked a colleague if I could borrow her hijab. 

No problem. 

I asked to use eyeliner. 

No problem. 

I later asked my colleague to photograph me. 

She did. I thanked her. Tata... 

Much later, I e-mailed this photo to other colleagues at Qassim University. 

Some were taken aback. 

I attempted to illustrate the lack of need for a hijab in the 21st Century. 

Male or Female. Transgender too. 

Expect in a dessert storm. Been there. 

And I am not joking. 


Words Do Matter 

The viewer gets appalled. 


A man wearing a hijab. 

Not a woman wearing a hijab. 

Not about religion. 

Criticism towards a man wearing a religious garment. 

Thus, a protection for the religion emerges within the viewer. 

So, why no criticism if a woman were wearing the same? 

Or, maybe criticism of the religion for only intended purpose. 

To criticise a religion concerning only one sex? 


The viewer becomes sexist. 

Reverse Psychology 

Words Do Matter   

The Mask

Freedom at work again. 
Weapons of Mass Destruction? 
Gas Mask issue... 
What destruction? 
I debated it all the time. 
Sometimes actions speak louder than words. 
Yet Words Do Matter
Yes they do. 
We were a bunch of English teachers. 
Operation New Dawn 
Words Do Matter


To DreamSo now, I guess I have to pick up the pieces. 

Without cloak nor shield... 

Not even a veil for bravery... 

Bare naked... 

To face the unknown. 

I shall take the challenge. 

I shall be vocal. 

I shall speak. 

As best I can. 

To make others understand. 

What it is like. 

To have brain injury. 

The ups and downs... 

The comedy of it all and the sadness, too. 

To accept or not to accept? An important question. 

My experiences plus whatever I remember... 

To find hope again in my life. 

Yet to pass onward that same hope. 


Evidence Act: 

Does it not mention the word full-cognisance?Shall I forget?

Shall I remember? 

Filling in the blanks because of some assumption is now perjury

Under Oath? 


I see images. I remember some things. 

Sometimes questions work. Sometimes not. 

Yet, a question about the Car Crash will be dangerous for me. 

What happens if somebody asks me? 

Oh oh... 

Perhaps I shall be forced to sign a non-disclosure clause within a settlement? 

Minutes of Settlement will shut me up! 

Oh oh... 

And if I forget? 

My support will be denied - withheld? 

A charge against me for disclosure? 


I have brain injury. 

Forgive me in advance if I casually mention your names or companies. 

Many times I forget. 

Mental Health? 

However, I expect my Fundamental Human Right to Speech will take precedence over my failures. Thank you. 

Perhaps a re-identification may in order. 
