
ABI-1 xRay

My Brain...  ( Paul-Robert Hipkiss )  An X-ray taken at the Civic Hospital, Ottawa.  Sometime after my Car Crash  ( GO 2014-286487 ) on Octo...


About everything. 
Concerning everything. 
Even those things in between everything. 
Yah, peace... 
It is a wonder, no? 
Without it... There is no calm in life. 
I am not a begger. I am not a vagabond. I am not a hobbo. I may be in fact a gypsy thanks to my archaeologic father. Yet, I also am not a Non-Earner nor a Single Man! 
My Peace 
My Promise to My Boys 
$100,000 Each Child in separate Trust Funds (Educational Purposes Only) 
Annual Audit per Child 
If they cannot prove to Insurer that said funds were not expended via educational purposes, then, deny them any further support: this is a beacon from their father - to earn their way. 
The balance, after completion of a minimum of a 3-year post-secondary - private, public, or apprenticeship, may be dispensed to each individual dependent. 
I would have attended them. 
You will attend me know due to my disabilities, thus, they in turn and in just. 
Tuktoyaktuk, N-WT. 
I took my boys to see the Vikings, L'anse aux meadows, NL. + 
Acadia, Charlottetown, Louisbourg, Sydney, Gros Morne, Battle Harbour, Labrador City, Québec City, Ottawa 
!!! Tuktoyaktuk & Prince Rupert !!! 
I promised to take them: coast to coast to coast... 
Approximately $50,000. No more... 
Convoy of two Jeeps (Rentals). 
My three boys & I. 
Me, Myself, & I 
My Essays... 
My Poems... 
My "Happy-Book" 
I used to be a teacher. 
Help me publish them. Thank you. 
Approx. $25,000 
My Music... 
My boys studied for years at Nepean Music Academy and/or Hummingbird Music. 
There, I can get help to publish my 9 songs. 
One of which is already copyright. 
No wonder I've been calling my Tinnitus, Hummingbird. 
Approx. $25,000 
~ Hipkiss to Bed ~ 
My Lost Wages, Not Yours 
My Iraq
I was supposed to go to Afghanistan. 
I was supposed to achieve great heights. 
I was supposed to reach my Ὦξος (Ôxos) River! 
I was supposed to gain more security clearance - USA.
I was supposed to promote your way of life to my pupils. 
I was supposed to promote your freedom to your enemies. 
$10,000 x 16 years = $1,920,000 
(If I die before age 67, keep the rest.)  
$1,000,000 (Att. Care) + $1,000,000 (Med. Care) + $250,000 (P&S) 
You smart barristers do the math - juxtaposition your numerics. 
+ I demand a Nurse & Attendant Care until I Die!
Pain & Suffering 
In 1991 CE, the value of pain and suffering according to the Insurance Act in Ontario was listed at $250,000. This is 2020 CE. There's a 333‰ inflation mark-up for the 21st Century. 
Your calculations of Pain & Suffering used to only include from the waist down, what is visible to the naked eye. You must also consider the neck up
Otherwise, ... 
Be Happy
1 Note: 
     I want my life back!

Justice Denied

Je Ne Suis Pas COUPABLE 
I'll never know. 
I shall never know. 
I am never going to know. 
He'll never know. 
He will never know. 
He is never going to know. 
Gaetan J. Comeau is dead. 
He was the driver who crashed into me. 
May he rest in peace. 

Innately Human

It Is 
Innately Human 
To Breath Air 
To Exhale 
To Drink Water 
To Urinate 
To Eat Produce 
To Defecate 
To Be Cleansed 
To Dress 
To Be Associated 
To Like 
Every Person
To Make Love 
To Propagate 
Please Repeat When Finished 
Is a person with brain injury different? 
Perhaps in some regards...

Indentured Servitude

Pierce Hearts, Minds, & Souls 
To Educate Is To Liberate 
Putting my best Pinky-Toe forward. 
An inner-ambassadorial way of living life. 
I guess I always have tried to push the envelope. 
Without knowing it... 
To teach myself... 
And to teach others... 
My Goofy-Teacher's Hat... 
The Desire To Rehabilitate 
To Be Innately Human 
Communication is the key to success!

The Boot

The Boot
We call it that. The boys and I. And others too.
The Boot 
The Boot
Let's go Coast, to Coast, to Coast, to Coast... 
South, East, West, North...
@ L'anse aux meadows -!
@ Niagara Falls -!
@ Prince Rupert -?
@ Tuktoyaktuk -? 
We can do it!
United we stand, divided we fall.
The Boot Promise
The stupid government took my driver's license.
I can driver better than you.
I have never driven into anybody.
No tests to prove that I cannot drive.
Yet, I can.
Just because of lawyers' lies.
Maybe in Saudi, I shall drive you around.
Maybe in Korea.
Maybe in Greece.
Maybe in Iraq.
Maybe in Fort Benning, Georgia, USA
i have driver's licenses
where do you wanna go
when do you wanna go
what would you like to see
Hope Truth
(TD did not help.)


 When Will They Learn? 
We can transplant a kidney. 
Metal bars in my cousin's leg at one time. 
A new liver - no problem. 
Heart & Lungs are transplantable, eh... 
Gender corrections or manipulations anyone? 
Yet, no-one can transplant a brain. 
When you can... 
Call me please... 
+1 (613) 366-8600 
I need a new one!
In memory of... 
The primary objective of psychiatric and psychological departments from hospital rehabilitation centres' brain injury units is to determine whether or not a victimised patient is a threat to the community at large or a threat to himself or herself personally. 
Failure is not a good option.
"Anxiety's Bridge" 
Cars under me? 
Not the way to die! 

I can't remember exactly. 
It probably was sometime after my Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber
I guess during autumn of 2018. 
I was off to see one of my boys play a nice Nepean Hockey game at Bell Arena
The hospital taught me how to take the bus when I was an inpatient and an outpatient. 
As long as I look inside the bus and not outside. 
I shan't get dizzy and pass out. 
Thank you Una. 
So off I went. 
Got me an OC day-pass. 
And next thing I know. 
I'm watching a game. 
The walk was nice through the park. 
Tough getting up the hill though. 
He shoots, he scores. 
Nice game. 
The problem was the way back. 
I missed my bus. 
So, I started walking more toward the next bus stop. 
Only to miss the bus again. 
By this time, I was near Richmond Bridge at Veteran Memorial Highway. 
I walked some more. 
I started to cross the bridge. Then... All of a sudden... 
I want OFF this bridge!!! 
Why are so many cars beneath my feet frantically going from thither to hither and then beyond? 
I'm going to JUMP!!! 
I thought of... 
^-  Mawt Trood  -^ 
Not the way to die! 
So, I walked some more. 
As quickly as I could. 
I walked. I walked. I walked. 
I ended at IKEA. 
I found a bus finally. 
Got to the apartment... 
Yet, I had to get better. 
I was in so much pain though. 
Really... Truthfully... Sincerely... 
All I could do was focus on getting a block away. 
Off to a different place, the Ottawa Chiropractic Heath Clinic & Physiotherapy
I should be in good hands. I always hoped to be. 
Because for 5 days I was practically bed-ridden. 
eat... sleep... potty... sleep... eat 
Yet, I began to walk more. 
Things were moving differently. 
So, I planned more walks. 
As if to train... 
Block by block... 
Journey by journey... 
Like the old-days... 
Bicycling through France... 
Was Born! 
thank you


To Educate Is To Liberate 
Go Forth
Awareness comes from knowledge. 
To know is to have learnt. 
Education comes in many forms. 
Go forth and multiply what is known. 
Knowing ends the bondage. 
The shackles of discrimination... 
Awareness is freedom. 
I am glad I found you. 
I totally forgot about you. 
Your purpose. 
Your mission. 
And, now that you are here. 
My forefront... 
I begin to remember. 
You taught me so much. 
You helped me understand me. 
The new me. 
Thank you Una Wallace
The ABI Identity Card. 
How will the community learn? 
The ABI Identity Card. 
Much more to do, I have. 
It will help. 
To teach others.

#InformationOverload #ImageDelay 
#WorkingMemory #EpilepticSeizures 
#Claustrophobia #Hypothermia  
#AnxietyAttacks #PanicAttacks 
#HypoBipolar #Trauma #Myoclonus 
I think I am missing a few. 
Yet, thank you. 
I think I wrote - Homework. 
Maybe - Spelling. 
The rest was written by therapists. 
Trying to guide me in identifying my new me. Thank you all. 
I still get confused. It's true. 
Yes. My fear. I don't understand. 
It pushes me into panic, anxiety, or even seizures. 
Working memory comes into play as well. 
Then, my greatest fear of all. 
The risk of hypo-bipolar turning into full fledged bipolar
The result is only one out two, fight or flight
It's all part of the record from hospital. 
So, why? 
The hospital knew. 
MDs, nurses, and therapists wrote about it at hospital. 
So, why have three barristers been my trigger at two separate Discoveries? 
Isn't it called unprofessional conduct
That's what they would've called it in the military. I think. 
You'd probably be in the brig for something like that. 
Law Society of Ontario's Rules of Professional Conduct. 
In Canada? 
Is unprofessional conduct referred to as malfeasance or misfeasance? Donno! 
Perhaps, a Breach of Public Trust? Donno! 
Closet Room #122... 
Is it called Criminal Negligence? Donno! 
Closet Room #219... 
All I Know Is That It's Not Good. 
Criminal Harassment
What has been done to me? 
What has been allowed to continue? 
Discovery 1? 
It must've been 2016, or +/-. 
I was foaming from the mouth. 
A seizure in front of three witnesses. 
A Crown clerk and lawyers. 
One was mine once upon a time. 
Questions in mountain formats flew through. 
Plus a swamp of information. 
Never mind memory blanks. 
Then, the Family Court's Writ questions... 
This is the Writ about which I always talked
A miracle.
Proof  I was in the Superior Court of Ontario the same day of Car Crash.  
A miracle.
My disability of not articulating information quickly. 
A miracle. 
All of which added to the ultimate trigger, the werewolf-seizure
I was breathing frantically. 
Dripping saliva constantly. 
Foaming from the mouth. 
It felt like hours but probably no more than 5 minutes. 
Lawyer Patricia Lawson at Discover 1.
She was my "seizure's trigger."
Why couldn't P. Lawson help me understand? 
Why the trigger? 
I don't remember much after that or before... 
Other than the nice food that was available for lunch. 
Yet, I couldn't eat much. 
Due to all of my teeth missing as a result of the Car Crash. 
No blender was there. 
I think. 
Triggers end up turning into loops in my brain. 
They don't go away until they are addressed. 
That's why I remember them more than anything else. 
And that's to say if I'm lucky to remember anything at all. 
So why? 
I mean. If they did not know... 
Not everybody knows everything. I don't. 
Why didn't they hire a doctor? 
For Interrogation Prep? 
Or, Discovery Prep? 
A doctor may have advised them. 
How to approach a person with brain injury during questioning. 
Perhaps traditional approaches may not apply. 
What happened to Equal Opportunity to Justice? 
...treat me differently... 
For My Sake, First and Foremost. 
Yet, for the Sake of Others As Well. 
My Crown's Clerk.  
My Crown's Judge. 
To educate Is to Liberate. 
Learn More about Acquired Brain Injury. 
It's in Everybody's Interest. 
Pre-Trial Conference
29th day of the month of March in the year of our Lord 2019... ha! (Or, 22-7-1440?) Michael Thiele & Mikolaj Grodzki present.  No court order for trial, merely a word from Giovanna Toscano-Roccamom to meet for Pre-Trial 2 - but never came.  Lawyers didn't co-ordinate with the Trial Co-ordinator.  Bad boys.  No jail time for unprofessional conduct?
Discovery 2? 
Early 2020 sometime. (Or, 5780?) 
Same place but different faces bar one. Me. The victim. 
Another clerk of the Crown, a contractual lawyer, Griffiths, and my barrister, Mikolaj Grodzki. 
It was paid by the Respondent et al. Not by me or my lawyer.
Hire security if you must. 
I've been advising so-called professionals for years. 
File It Please 
"From Head to Toe
... right side ... 
Hallux Arch Heal Knee Cap 
Hips Pelvis Testicle Sacrum 
Femoral Sciatic Lumbar 
Thoracic Ribs Scapula 
Clavicle Sternum Cervical 
Zygomatic Teeth & Brain 
My Crown 
(I'm sure I missed much. "Hospital File Please") 
(Imagine the nerves, muscles, tendons, & ligaments.)
(My left side was also affected due to my right injuries.) 
(If I were a vehicle, I would have been placed in the scrap yard.) 
Hospital File
Did you ask a Judge for the hospital file? 
Did you get my permission to access my file? 
Have you infringed upon my Right to Privacy? 
You both have my permission as of April 4th, 2020.

Paul-Robert Hipkiss

My Longest Mission 
Peace Time
Does anybody have the time? I have lost the sense of time bar the present. More often than not. More than I would have ever imagined possible. Nevertheless, let me see what I can find. Let me see if I can dream up something. Remember? Ha! Not! Half I can. Half I cannot. Sometimes it's like dreaming. Perhaps I shall have to look in my portfolio. I should have some interesting things there. That should trigger my memory. In the end, I hope the numerics will jive. I'm surely going to learn lots about me. Tata... 
My Home
Leeward Berth 
06:45, May 11th, 1963 CE birth place... 
43.6535° N, 79.4052°W 
The Western Hospital 
Where There Are Trees Standing in the Water: Tkaronto
Mohawk Territory, Haudenosaunee Confederacy, Turtle Island 
Toronto, Ontario, Canada 
My Fag 
Red Ensign of the Dominion of Canada 
Relinquished: 1965 CE 
My Fag? My Toil!
French School
The Toronto French School 
Toronto, Ontario - 1967 CE 
The valley will always be remembered. 
Some call it, York-y-ville
Medioladum Seminarium 
Milano, Lombardia, Italia 
1969 CE 
Me at MilanoFrench to Italian... Sono un gelato piccolo
My Elementary School
École du Sacré-Coeur 
Toronto, Ontario - 1971 CE 
Sherbourne & Carlton 
Who can complain about a school that was 3 blocks away from the Gardens? 
Not I. 
Sir James Douglas Elementary 
Victoria, British Columbia - 1973 CE 
Sir James Douglas
Mr Mayze encouraged me to write my first composition. 
It was on Battle Harbour, Labrador - Putlavak.
Victoria, British Columbia - 1975 CE (map
I shall never forget my very first (1st) job. I was a Busboy. I used to love going there as a youngster, always enjoyed a freshly cut steak on the grill - plus, the money was great. 
Tips and more... 
What a family... 
Victoria's Conservatory
Victoria Conservatory of Music 
Victoria, British Columbia - 1975 CE 
Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La Si, Do 
Solfège was the musique du jour. 
Gymnasium Erythrae 
Erythres, Attiki, Greece - 1976 CE 
French, Italian, English, & Greek. 
Many first contacts developed.
Great memories...
Okay. No. Δεν καίγε. 
Erythres, Attiki, Greece - 1977 CE (map
This was my first job in Greece. I think I was 14 or 15 years of age. Being a Waiter was a lot of work, but the tips were out of this world. I had so much money that summer. Of course, it must have seemed that way because I was so young. Ouzo anyone? Coming right up! 
I remember everybody at the plaza. 
We were all watching the news on TV. 
That Elvis had died! 
Erythres, Attiki, Greece - 1978 CE 
I was a Grader for a topographer. I used to run around with a grader's measuring rod just so my topographer could take proper measurements of the Mornos Aqueduct. 
It was a great summer. 
I'm sure was about 15 years old. 
An Essential Service Perhaps? 
Canadian SchoolFather's Private English School 
The Canadian School at Erythrae 
Erythres, Attiki, Greece - 1978 CE (link
I used to read stories to his pupils. 
Then, we would talk about the stories. 
I fell in love with teaching English. 
9th Lyceum Athina 
Athens, Attiki, Greece - 1979 CE (link
Turning a Corner in Life. 
1st of 1st
 National Conservatoire of Athens 
Athens, Attiki, Greece - 1979 CE (link
Athenian Music
With a violin in tow, I play to you with a guitar. 
Dora Shoes Ltd. 
Toronto, Ontario - 1981 CE 
Dora Shoes Ltd.Beware the dangers of being a Hydraulic Press Cutter. Be safe. 
Barrie, Ontario - 1981 CE  
A fisherman's delight at Simcoe. 
"Money to Make Money" 
A summer's line - 05:55 
National Protective Service 
Ottawa, Ontario - 1981 CE 
National Protective Service
Only you can protect your privacy and no-one else. 
The Garden Restaurant 
Ottawa, Ontario - 1982 CE 
The Garden
Working for the weekend. 
Waiter, l'addition s'il vous plaît.
Have a good day. 
I'm glad I sat down.
Pete's Pizza 
Ottawa, Ontario - 1982 CE 
Pizza anyone? 
Speedy delivery! 
The Datsun was fun & the hours. 
Work-a-holic: 3 jobs. 
Ottawa, Ontario - 1982 CE (map)  
My Mum's Guitar
Being a parking lot Attendant & Jockey was probably the coolest job I could have ever asked for as a 19 year-old. I had the privilege of meeting Neil Young. Yah, his bus was in my lot. I also met Clarence Clemons. Plus, I always got passes to Barrymore's. And the money for jockeying... Wow - A Young Adult's Dream Job. 
Bank & GilmourMy BoothBarrymore's
The booth is still there to this day. Ha! 
Ottawa, Ontario - 1984 CE (map
Control Data InstituteI learnt so much about computers at the Institute. I remember we had to save our Fortran data on a gigantic floppy. Programme this and that. Sure. 
Algonquin College Colonel By Campus Ottawa, Ontario - 1984 CE 
My College
(Basic Skills for Development) 
Beauty Contest 
Beauty Contest
Sponsored by Chez 106 & Algonquin. 
"D.J. Host" plus "Judges" 
"Event of the Year" 
Fun and good times were had by all. 
I was privileged that they chose me to photograph it. 
The 80s: a different time and era, eh? 
Centre International d'Etudes Françaises 
L'Université de Nice, France - 1986 CE 
Centre International d'Etudes Françaises
The hard part was practising for the journey. 
Not to mention biking just to get there and back. 
Ottawa, Toronto, London, Folkstone, Calais, Paris, Chartes, Orléan, Lyon, Nîmes, Marseille, Cannes, Nice, Genova, Andorra, Luxembourg, Bruxelles, & Dover 
The funny part was that, I learnt more French on the beach than in class. 
"Follow Your Dream" 
Nice, France
Nice, France
Nice, France
Practice"Practice Makes Perfect" 
Aylmer, Kemptville, Burritts Rapids, Richmond, Kars 
Then success! 
Ottawa, Ontario - 1987 CE 
JockI loved the energy.
 Go Jockey go! 
Do not speed though! 
A car crash is not advisable.  
An Essential Service Perhaps? 
I could go anywhere...
Capital City Maintenance Ltd. 
Ottawa, Ontario - 1987 CE 
TP Maintenance
A place called "Ottawa International." 
It was a small airport with tiny aeroplanes. 
Sorry. I did not mean to bump into you. 
The Good Companions Senior Centre 
Ottawa, Ontario - 1988 CE 
Good Companions
I have not met a more lovely group of people dedicated to senior citizens. 
An Essential Service Perhaps? 
Ottawa University 
Ottawa, Ontario - 1988 CE 
When in doubt, strive higher. 
Sealand Quality Foods 
Hamilton, Ontario - 1988 CE 
Sealand Foods
More fish in the sea. 
Orange Roughy & Stuffed Salmon 
Salesman with a Truck! 
An Essential Service Perhaps? 
Hamilton, Ontario - 1990 CE 
The Grave
The earlier, the better... 
122 cm x 182 cm x 304 cm 
~ easy ~
The faster I could dig the grave, the more money I'd save
Rod's Bricks 
Burlington, Ontario - 1990 CE 
Rod's BricksLevel & Plum 
Not a time to be dizzy... 
Hamilton, Ontario - 1993 CE (map) 
I used to love this place. 
Filled with professionals - technician, me too.
"Crest, Pantene, & Ivory" 
What an experience! 
I just wanted a job to help pay my tuition, yet I got much more.
An Essential Service Perhaps? 
Senior Activation Maintenance Program 
Hamilton, Ontario - 1993 CE 
It's awesome learning from those who know better. 
An Essential Service Perhaps? 
The Hamilton Harbour Commission
Hamilton, Ontario - 1995 CE 
Hipkiss SailorBasic SailsRestricted Operator's
Sailing is a great stress reliever. It's beautiful, too. You really have to pay attention to what you are doing. In fact, sometimes it's a matter of life or death. I remember one time - I was the skipper during a lovely sail whence a storm approached. My mates and I made way for dock. Trust me. Things can change on a drop of a dime. Be safe out there! 
Do not drink and sail. 
"One Life Jacket per Person" 
Raise the genoa... Aye, aye, there matey... 
Hamilton Sesquicentennial 
Archives of Ontario 
Hamilton, Ontario - 1996 CE 
Archives Ontario
150 years ago... 
100 years ago... 
50 years ago... 
Who was born on Sesqui-Day? 
The day Hamilton was born - 150.  
Who is alive - family & kin? 
Where do they live? 
Invitations to the Celebrations. 
I was honoured to be part of it. 
Off to Toronto to gather some information. 
McMaster University 
Hamilton, Ontario - 1996 CE 
Mac Attack
Fly like an eagle. 
Hamilton Public Library 
Hamilton, Ontario - 1996 CE 
Time to learn some more - hands on. 
Singing at their auditorium was the icing on the cake. 
KEC Language Institute 
Pusan, The Republic of Korea - 1996 CE 
KwakThe Beach
In Korea, I learnt that the smallest person can be in fact the biggest, largest person with the most control. Imagine. 
It's the Intrinsic Value
That's what counts.  
Then, it won't be work. 
JBC Television 
Pusan, The Republic of Korea 

When you try to make everybody laugh, you end up laughing, too. 
Ms Hong
Pusan, The Republic of Korea - 1997 CE 
YMCAMy ClassFrom kindergarten to business... 
From language to culture... 
Never a dull moment... 
Much to prepare... 
Much to learn... Much to teach... 
I was so lucky to have had the experience. 
Beautiful memories galore as a teacher!
Québec, Québec - 1998 CE 
I finally understand why people call it: 
"La belle province."
They forgot to include the word, "plus." 
Ottawa, Ontario - 1999 - CE 
The family got involved. 
Talking 'bout camaraderie. Wow. 
A Great Working Team 
Capital Parking 
Ottawa, Ontario - 1999 CE 
ParkingUp & Down; Over & Around
 Always better to be busy. 
Saudi Aramco Training Centre 
Hassan A. Karim Algahtani 
 - 2000 CE 
Al-Ahsa, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 
AramcoMy Class
Always in motion to learn more. 
That's the gift of teaching. 
An Essential Service Perhaps? 
My Class
My Class
Deforestation - Salinisation 
Rub' al Khali 
No-Man's Land 
Lots of Good Times 
Driving in Saudi is not like riding a camel. 
Driver's License
Algonquin College 
Ottawa, Ontario - 2000 CE 
Adults like learning, too. 
Estrie Academy of Languages & Training 
Ottawa, Ontario - 2000 CE 
Multiculturalism Is Unique 
The Future Is Here 
Interactive English
Ottawa, Ontario - 2000 CE 
I literally was everywhere in Ottawa teaching many pupils achieve their goals: English. 
My Library
I was always pleased to guide them and to plan with them. 
I loved being present at scholastic events on behalf of their parents. 
To watch their success unfold before me was my true blessing. 
I really did not do much. 
I merely showed them the way. 
I surely did love them all. 
Better BusinessPupilsStudent
My LessonMy Lesson
Teachers sometimes can get pretty creative, too. I really loved it. 

Upper Canada Village
Carleton University
Mr Hipkiss

Communication is the key to success! 
"Achievement of Success" 
I loved handing them out. Seal 
To make students feel confident.  
To watch them learn. 
To witness their improvements. 
To see them leave. Ha! 
There is almost nothing a person cannot due. Trust me. 
Create. Develop.  
International Correspondence School 
Teacher Aide 
Does anybody require Mouth-to-Mouth? 
Gatineau, Québec - 2002 CE 
"Spiritually Yours" 
Carleton University 
Ottawa, Ontario - 2004 CE 
Teacher's College
A teacher who went to a Teacher College? 
École de Langues Creusot 
Gatineau, Québec - 2007 CE 
There is a small niche in and around the Outaouais region. 
However, Whoever, Whenever, 
Wherever, Whatever, 


Records Check 
Ottawa, Ontario - 2008 CE 
Records Check
"X-Ray or Microscope" 
Your Freedom of Choice  
Ottawa, Ontario - 2008 CE 
MeThe new wave... 
facteime, ooVoo, messenger 
Skype & Zoom 
Teaching via Video Conferencing 
The future has arrived. 
Beam me up Scotty! 
2008: Worldwide Economic Crisis 
Canadian Institute of Security Professionals 
Ottawa, Ontario - 2008 CE 
Yes, sir. 
An Essential Service Perhaps? 
Whittaker Paints 
Ottawa, Ontario - 2008 
Worldwide Economic Crisis 
A person has to paint. 
By the sweat of my brow...
Never realised how creative it would be. 
Fine's Flowers 
Ottawa, Ontario - 2008 CE  
Fine's Flowers
A blessing in disguise. 
A diamond to deliver. 
Good use for the Boot.
It sure was nice to meet so many kind people.
The smells, too... 
Qassim University 
Buraidah, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 
2009 CE 
Arabian HipkissMy Class
My ClassBedouins 
My ClassMashallah 
Miss You 
Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University 
Al-Hofuf, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - 2010 CE 
 الله أكبر
My Class
Allah 'Akbar 
God Is Great 
I shall never forget my Dean. 
Bless you, sir. 
Best wishes to my pupils as well. 
Fort Benning, Georgia 
Fort Benning
No Females?
2010 CE, Sir! Yes, Sir! 
An Essential Service Perhaps? 
Type O+  
Information Assurance

821st @ Taji, Iraq 
DynCorp International - 2011 CE 
821stIraq Air Force
Iraq was the best experience in my entire life, bar my boys. 
I had to learn so much. The American Language Institute's curriculum from Fort Wentworth, Texas was easy. Staying alive was a different story. I shall never regret signing up. Best experience by far. Peace to all... 
Blackhawks, Chinooks, Armoured Humvees, & Rhinos. 
Professionalism unmatched by any. 
The Peak of My Career! 
Camp Taji
Pierce the hearts, minds, and souls of everyone that you have the privilege of meeting overseas. 
Every time you leave your place of birth, you become an Ambassador of your native land. 
Many times, you are the first person that others meet from your neck of woods. 
Shine! Put your best "pinky-toe" forward! 
Be that Ambassador!
"I Loved All My Pupils" 
My Class
My Class
My Class
My Class
Me in a Blackhawk
How do you commute to work? 
How many times do you eat and what? 
How do you sleep and where? 
For me: it was all paid. 
I was just a teacher of English. 
In a Blackhawk trying to get to school
Love what you do in life. 
Money will come. 
Desert StormHumveeSchool Storm
BadgeArms Intro

IDAn Essential Service Perhaps? 
General Rock 
General Rock
"Military War Room" 
Say what? 
That's where one learns how to use a joy-stick. 
And then, how to push buttons. 
Just to lift up Armoured Droids? 
Or, ...  
Now that I gotta learn. 
Just in time...
TESL Ontario 
Toronto, Ontario - 2012 CE 
TESL OntarioLabour Ready Ottawa, Ontario - 2013 CE  
Scissor BoomLabour ReadyBLT
"Bigger, Longer, & Thicker" was the motto amongst some at BLT. And they weren't joking. White-hat, Pink-hat, Blue-hat, & Yellow-hat: all pulled his or her weight. 
Sometimes the Scissor-Boom wouldn't toe the line. 
FoodOttawa Public Health 
Food Handler 
Ottawa, Ontario - 2013 CE 
I thought I'd learn how to cook better. 
Maybe for possible military connections. 
Always a + with an addition here & there. 
HarperOttawa, Ontario - 2014 CE 
"Voice to Text" 
Thank you.  
October 29th, 2014 CE 
Long Gate's School Zone
Off to spread the good news.   
Rights restored.   
Crosswalk - School Zone   
Reckless Driver   
No Helmet?   
"Acquired Brain Injury"  
Parking Anyone?
Who Becometh the Pupil? 
Ottawa CourtPerhaps I can get a job at the Superior Court? 
Hipkiss for Hire! 
2020  CE
To Return Where You Had Been 
Toronto Island
TD Insurance  wishes not to help me figure out if I can fly in an aeroplane to Toronto Island?
Wouldn't that be an attempt to rehabilitate me? 
Unprofessional Conduct is against the Criminal Code of Canada. 
30-04-2020 CE  
Have a good life. 